I was afraid that it would be a boring fantasy miniatures game grindfest, but actually played very smooth and was quite memorable. One of my biggest fears was my brothers wouldn't get it when it came up to making up your own perks and flaws, but that turned out to be the best part. Making those up created these personalities for you figures like you would get with your own character in a roleplaying game. Because of this you would instinctively find your strategies suited their playstyle.
Think of it like a quick skirmish game where your force consisted of 3 player characters from a silly game of DnD.
It really did add a role-playing element to a tabletop wargame. I will be going over each player's forces and you will see that personality show through on their small character sheets, but big deeds.
We decided to do the random bucket route. Each player did a blind-grab of 3 minis from my big bucket-o-pre-painted-dnd-minis. Then without too much explanation or guidance, they statted them up to make the following:
James Swenson's team: B.D.S.M. (Blunt Dense Slow and Moronic)
Sargon the Sadist
- Body 2
- Mind 2
- Spirit 5
- Health 3
- Speed 6
- Magic Attack 5
- Distance 5
- Perk: Masochistic Tendencies: +1 to defense against melee attacks
- Flaw: Ecstasy: -1 to movement when struck by an attack for your next turn
- Crit: Magic Heal
Body 1
- Mind 3
- Spirit 5
- Health 3
- Speed 5
- Magic Attack 5
- Distance 6
- Perk: Mage in plate: +1 defense against melee attacks
- Flaw: Mage in plate: -1 to speed
- Crit: Magic Buff
Dave the Vicious Hobgoblin
Body 5
- Mind 3
- Spirit 1
- Health: 5
- Speed: 4
- Melee Attack 7
- Perk: Mean little cuss: +1 to melee attacks
- Flaw: Stupidity: -1 defense vs magic attacks
- Crit: Commanding
Jarom Swenson's team: The Splaztastics
Blood Scale
- Body 5
- Mind 2
- Spirit 2
- Health 5
- Speed 3
- Melee Attack 7
- Perk: Armored to the teeth: +1 defense against melee
- Flaw: Armor too big!: -1 to speed
- Crit: Regenerate
- Body 2
- Mind 5
- Spirit 2
- Health 3
- Speed 4
- Range Attack 6
- Distance 7
- Perk: Creepy Crawly: Ignores hindering terrain for movement
- Flaw: "You're creepy!": -1 defense vs melee
- Crit: Poisonous Attack
- Body 3
- Mind 1
- Spirit 5
- Health 4
- Speed 6
- Magic Attack 4
- Distance 5
- Perk: Flammable Aura: 1 damage dealt to enemy after it uses magic within 1 square of Pfft*blup
- Flaw: Flammable Aura: 1 damage dealt to Pfft*blup after enemy uses magic within 1 square of Pfft*blup
- Crit: (made up and not from the list, but i wasn't going to say no) Silent but Deadly: After crit is resolved, the next opponent he attacked cannot defend until the start of his next turn
M. Jared Swenson's team: Yet Another Player Group
Body 3
- Mind 3
- Spirit 3
- Health 4
- Speed 5
- Melee Attack 6
- Perk: Bearded: +1 to defense vs melee
- Flaw: Stubborn: must attack if able
- Crit: Tactician
Body 4
- Mind 3
- Spirit 2
- Health 4
- Speed 3
- Melee Attack 6
- Perk: Grounded: +1 vs magic attacks
- Flaw: Lumbering: -1 to speed
- Crit: Skilled Defender
- Body 4
- Mind 4
- Spirit 1
- Health 3
- Speed 4
- Range Attack 6
- Distance 7
- Perk: Super Awesome Drizzt Clone: +1 to distance
- Flaw: Totally Lame Drizzt Clone: -1 health
- Crit: Surge
All in all we had a blast playing. One of the great things was the game didn't try hard to be balanced. Sure some of the perks could be too powerful, and some of the flaws didn't hinder the character enough, but when you really don't think about it, you just end up having a great time with your minor roleplaying that's forced to the surface.
Ever wished that your minis game had a little more flavor and personality without taking itself too seriously? Well this just may be the game for you.
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