M. Jared Swenson Productions

This blog chronicles my projects, developments, and all things related to tabletop gaming. I will try to avoid rants and reviews. Mostly games I'm developing, and progresses from my campaigns.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Mobile Frame Zero Released

My book finally came! I covered this game as a Kickstarter post back in 2012 here. Now that the book from that campaign came in I have been extremely stoked to play. The book is beautiful.

First off the game itself has improved significantly from its old version, called Mechaton. They changed some rules and added a few extra things for the better. The rulebook was a pleasure to read because they put a lot of thought into the wording and explanations.
It is also has no lack of story and setting elements. It starts off with a decent piece of fiction set in the Mobile Frame Zero universe, with some excellent artwork. Then it goes into the rules, which takes up a major portion, and finally it has lego building instructions.

That's right. Simple instructions for getting you up and running fast with your own force of Lego mecha. Instructions like this:

I can't promote this game enough. It is fun, fast, and deadly. No unit sheets, cards, record sheet, etc are needed to play. It is all based on how you build your units and using dice. A definite recommend to anyone who has a passion for Lego, and loves a good simple and fast game about mecha warfare.

You can buy a copy here, also he gives away the PDF for free here. Check it out!

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